Why Cubist?
Cubism depicts things from multiple viewpoints at one time, placing the viewer in motion. Objects are examined from all sides and broken down into their most basic elements: lines and the angles they make.

In Cubism, vision is organized conceptually; thinking leads seeing through the dark.

 A Cubist image looks flat but depicts, at the same time, a 3-D world. It can carry more information than an illustration or a photograph.

Cubism is about how we look at things more than than how things look.

Why Hearts?
I'd had a history of rapid and irregular heartbeats (atrial fibrillation and tachycardia) for a long time. Eventually I had a procedure to stop them.

Just before my cardiac ablation, a friendly face put my body into a large loud machine and released radioactive contrast material into my bloodstream.

I shivered in the dark while a map of my heart made of light tumbled in space.